New at 123ish: My top kitchen gadget tips

Wait, what? After all the blogging for all these years about science fiction, horror, paranormal, Linux, all this geeky freaky stuff, I’m going to write… KITCHEN TIPS???

Yeah, just once. See, Mrs. Penguin and I raised four kids, who are now experiencing adultness in various degrees. So that’s some 20-something years feeding a household of six (not counting live-in chums, visiting relatives, couch critters, and the occasional cat) on a freelancer’s budget. And nobody complained! At least, not to my face. I must have done something right.

It’s so shockingly out of character for me, I might just try it again some time.


Author: Penguin Pete

Take good care of my memes; I've raised them since they were daydreams!