New at Geeky Domain: Collectible Guides For Marvel Figures and Star Wars Funko Pops

Marvel and Star Wars figures

You get a 2-parter here because I’m too busy to break it up into individual posts and God knows when I get back in here. Two recent product lists to announce:

  • An Infinity of Collectible Marvel Figures – Come see Ant-Man swipe the Incredible Hulk’s can of Coke, then browse our selection for the best current Marvel universe figurines. We went with aesthetic appeal over most popular character, plus I get to pour my heart out for underrated B-list Marvel characters.
  • These Are The Star Wars Funko Pops You’re Looking For! – What could be more self-explanatory than “Star Wars Funko Pops”? But my twist is that I delve into the background on these characters, the actors who play them, their position in the ‘verse, and why they’re the definitive characters to collect for any Star Wars fan.

What else? I didn’t even mention it back during Christmas, but my first post at Geeky Domain we ginned up a quick and sloppy Christmas gift guide for Yoda fans based off The Mandalorian! Since most Baby Yoda merch doesn;t even ship until spring and is available for pre-order only, I figure it will be more useful next year than this year.

Is there anybody who has blogged more about Star Wars at this point than I have? I mean I can’t prove it – Half the stuff I’ve ever written for the web is now found only on the Internet Archive, if that. I was nattering about Star Wars back on the BBS era, before the World Wide Web, before Google, before AOL. I suppose people who write for Wookiepedia and the like can claim more Star Wars blogging than I, but that’s the people who specialize. And I don’t even count myself as a big fan of the series!

I figure these two posts go together because they’re the only choice left in geek cinema fandom now. You’re either a Marvel fan or a Star Wars fan. All the other franchises are extinct in American cinema. And they’re both owned by Disney, the mouse that frikkin’ roared, God help us all!


Author: Penguin Pete

Take good care of my memes; I've raised them since they were daydreams!