New at Spookwire: The Best Cannibal Horror Movies

Who loves horror? Who loves really sick horror? Who loves horror that lends itself to lots of sick jokes? Memememe, and all you other crazy wonderful bent weirdos out there! So over at Spookwire I got to list the top 7 cannibal horror movies – the ones I consider most essential cores to the genre, anyway.

And at the end of the post at Spookwire, I left a little present: links to several news stories reporting humans being served in restaurants. I don’t mean “served” like a patron, I mean “served” in a Damon Knight sense.

But wait, the post isn’t finished yet! Click through for seconds, and save room for dessert!

This isn’t the first time I’ve done a list about cannibal movies. Way back in 2014, I did a list of dark humor treatments of cannibalism for the long-ago-defunct Movie Meanings. Cannibalism is just one of those topics that keep me coming back for more, you know?

Hey, do you know what you get when you show up to a cannibal banquet late? They give you the cold shoulder.

By the way, Blood Diner (one of my dearest favorites!) was also covered over at my other stomping ground, 366WeirdMovies. That was not written by me. In fact, sadly, I’ve been so busy with other projects that I haven’t gotten over 366’s way, and it’s just breaking my black, leathery heart, let me tell you.

I did, however, get in an Apocryphal review at 366Weird for Eating Raoul, which is probably a contender for the second run of the weirdies list.

Did you hear about the cannibal who said, “My wife makes a lovely stew; I sure will miss her”?

Well, here’s the trailer for Blood Diner anyway. Bon appetite!


Author: Penguin Pete

Take good care of my memes; I've raised them since they were daydreams!