IMGUR posts: 1980s Action Figures and Vintage Pulp Novel Cover Art

So you all might be noticing by now, I’ve been tinkering around with IMGUR a lot lately. I can’t help getting hold of a social media platform and eventually experimenting with it to see what kinds of nifty posts I can make in that medium. The IMGUR format is underappreciated; it’s more like a super-Tumblr since you can post any amount of text appended to images and chain images together into albums. Not bad for a site that originally started as a side-feature for Reddit.

So, most recent trips include “A Cultural History of the 1980s, told in action figures,” and “Got You Covered! – A dump of pulp covers.” The action figures one mostly passes over stuff that’s still familiar today, in favor of re-discovering true ’80s vintage such as Punky Brewster, Blackstar, the too-soon forgotten Micronauts, and the Dukes of Hazard! Anybody looking for a blast of ’80s nostalgia will completely flip their lid at this one.

Here’s a video blogger explaining Micronauts to you young ‘uns:

As for the pulp covers one, it’s just old book, comic, and mag covers scattered through history which haven’t had their day in the meme spotlight – headed by one that definitely has and you’ll instantly recognize. With, of course, my usual hilarious snarky captions for each one.


Author: Penguin Pete

Take good care of my memes; I've raised them since they were daydreams!