New At 366: Run Away To Frankenstein Island!

Cor blimey, it feels good to finally get Frankenstein Island off my to-review list! 366Weird indulged my Apocrypha recommendation, read this hysterical mess and marvel at the bad B-movie even MST3K never touched!

Oh, and if you tried to visit this site in the past ~48 hours and found it gronked, that’s because a hosted server update clobbered my custom .htaccess Apache voodoo, and I had to grovel to tech support to reset everything and then re-install new, improved voodoo. I can now commence transmitting my madness to the unsuspecting Interwebs.

But wait, there’s more! You’re here because you’re curious about legendary schlock-director Jerry Warren’s magnum opus, so here’s some bonus material outside the normal scope of a 366Weird write-up:

Who gives you more than you asked for in a movie review, Penguin Pete, that’s who!


Author: Penguin Pete

Take good care of my memes; I've raised them since they were daydreams!