I Reviewed a Fistful of Giallos at 366Weird

OK, if two Giallo movies count as “a fistful,” that’s how many I covered at 366Weird lately and haven’t had the time to blog-blab about it yet. Forgive me if I burrow under the icebergs once in awhile, I am a busy penguin. That’s reviews of The Fifth Cord (1971) and All the Colors of the Dark (1972).

I loves me some Giallo, so much so that the editors at 366Weird pretty much leave everything in that genre up to me now. Even though I’ll be the first to admit that Giallo movies are often hokey, derivative, and usually out of their mind, I can’t get enough of the atmosphere, arty filming, and pulp fiction vibe from this charming little corner of cinema.

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