5 Impossible to Find Copper Cents Coveted By Collectors

This is part of a series of blog posts I wrote for a coin collecting site circa ~2015 that seems to have disappeared off the Internet.

The humble penny seems like it shouldn’t be the subject of a quest. There’s dishes of them at every cash register, for heaven’s sake. And yet among the swimming multitudes of the little brown disks, there are those rare gems. The fact that these specimens are amongst the most mundane coin currently minted just makes the hunt all the more tantalizing.

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What The Confederate Flag Controversy Means To Coin Collectors

This is part of a series of blog posts I wrote for a coin collecting site circa ~2015 that seems to have disappeared off the Internet.

DISCLAIMER: The intention of this post will be to discuss the state of certain collectible coins which happen to bear controversial symbols. This is to be done while disregarding any political ideas for or against them. Hobbies such as coin collecting frequently run into this situation. Readers are advised to keep the debate on-topic in their comments.

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