Bulletin From the Trenches : What Have I Done For You Lately?

We’re back with another update from Penguin Pete, that blur you might have seen sprinting around trying to catch up on all his projects. I’m so busy blogging that I don’t have time to blog about my blogs.

Cannabis Culture – The Fake Cart Wars continue!

First, Sherbinski, a counterfeited real brand with a history so disgusting that this time I’m rooting for the bootleggers. The guy who founded this boutique brand is a clueless, Narcissistic, spoiled infant who insists that he invented the universe with his stupid orange vape cartridge packaging, and teamed up with Post Malone for a promotional deal. Don’t know who Post Malone is? Lucky you. But just imagine if you compiled a worldwide database of every child porn collector and had a computer AI form a composite from all the mugshots. Ready? Here it is:


Next, I revisited Big Chief Extracts, one of three street black market brands which manages to generate drama every single week. The other two are Muha Meds and Lion’s Breath. Big Chief recently:

  •  maybe got raided by the cops
  • issued not one, not two, but three false Bureau of Cannabis Control license numbers
  • has tried to implement a fake verification system for its fake product, already so hacked that a second, separate web domain copies the verification system

There’s about twenty parties all claiming to own this ghost brand. Crooks stealing from crooks.

Finally, I reported on the spike in reported sickness triggered by vaping boof black market carts. This got scary fast! After months of a hiatus, we’re seeing the return of reports of people coughing up blood, having heart and blood pressure skyrocket, and other medical emergencies after puffing on a bootleg THC cart. My guess is that the street dealers figure everybody is paying attention to COVID-19 now, so they assume a few more dead kids found with a vape in their hand won’t make a difference.

Yeah, we live in that world.

On the less tragic side of the news: geeky stuff!

At Geeky Domain, I explored Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, and anime sure to blow your mind if you’re just discovering it and sure to disgust you after you’ve known about it for about 15 minutes or so. But I use it for an academic lesson in animated culture. Stay for the surprise history lessons with guest stars Betty Boop and Charlie Brown!

Explored the new Terraria update, Sweet little game, still one of my favorites, and I’m still playing through the thing with all the new stuff it’s added.

Out of the clear blue, it dawned on me that there was one movie which I had NEVER talked about in over 20 years of blogging with much of that time writing about movies. It’s my favorite movie of all time, and a particularly timely dystopian comedy for our present time. Meet Brazil!

Also, I really got into Cookie Clicker, the original idle browser game. So here’s a late-game strategy guide to go with the earlier overview I wrote, linked there.

Sir Not Appearing In This Film


This is here to remind you that over 50% of my income comes from ghost-writing, which I can’t link to nor claim ownership of at all! So there’s automatically twice as much going on as what you see me carrying.

Obligatory 366 Weird Movie review

Spookies (1986) : Monsters, monsters, and more monsters! That’s what Spookies promises and that’s what Spookies delivers! Who needs acting when you have MONSTERS? Who needs writing when you have MONSTERS! Who needs a plot when you have MOAR MONSTERS!!! Not Spookies.

Til next time, keep the words, chilly birds!


Author: Penguin Pete

Take good care of my memes; I've raised them since they were daydreams!