Let’s wade into some more controversy with the latest Internet temper tantrum: Bill Maher’s remarks on comic book fandom after the death of Stan Lee. While his timing is admittedly tone-deaf, his impression is spot on, however poorly articulated. I crack into the nut of the matter: toxic fan bases.
Don’t you hate it when you’re just enjoying some work of media just because you happen to like it, and some raving idiot out there has to ruin it for everybody? That’s what we have here.
Extra meme runoff:

On a tangent, if you’re here because you’re a Bill Maher fan, here’s a trailer for something else with Bill Maher in it:
I’ve since written a lot more water under the comic book bridge…
A rainy-day random rumination of what comics were like when they were just for geeks. They were a whole lot less angsty and full of themselves, that’s what!
I also put up a gallery of hilarious comic and pulp magazine covers out of context, with my snarky observations serving the rib-tickling chorus. Bout the most one can do with an IMGUR gallery.